Tilaukset ja asetukset

Basic ordering info in English

1. Condition
Uusi = New
Käytetty = Used

2. Who is the seller
3. Add to basket
4 & 5 Special seasonal message

6. Stock status
Varastossa = In stock
Ei varastossa = Not in stock
Muutama varastossa = Few in stock

Once in basket:

-Keep shopping (Jatka ostamista)
- Show basket (Näytä korini)

Quick view on basket

Here you can Add and Remove items and see who is the seller of your items.
Go to payment (Siirry kassalle)

1. First and last name (whole name)
2. Street name and number
3. Postal code
4. City
5. Phone number
6. Email
7. Email again

8. Use another billing address
9. Order newsletter
10. Receive email offers

11. Edit your home address
12. Edit your work address
13. Choose a pre-saved shipping info

1. Empty basket
2. Remove or Add items

Payment methods
3. Credit card
  • You also have the option to save the card info, to make your next payments much faster.
4. Klarna billing NOTE You need to read and accept additional payment terms.
5. Direct Debit
6. Special. In this example Klarna billing NOTE You need to read and accept additional payment terms.
7. Accept terms
8. Use your Coolshop discount points

Pay attenetion to the final price before accepting the terms and proceeding to payment.
9. Go to payment

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Maanantai – Perjantai
10:00 – 21:30
Lauantai – Sunnuntai
10:00 – 17:30

Mikäli lähetit meille sähköpostia asiasta, niin ilmoita asiasta tukihenkilöllemme jotta voimme auttaa sinua paremmin. :)

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Vastaamme niin nopeasti kuin mahdollista