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Good Loot - Gaming Puzzle: The Witcher Nilfgaard (500 pieces)


Good Loot

The Good Loot Gaming series is designed for gaming fans who want to expand their experience of their favorite universe to the real world. By putting together high-quality puzzles, they will relax and recreate iconic images that have become embedded in th…
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The Good Loot Gaming series is designed for gaming fans who want to expand their experience of their favorite universe to the real world. By putting together high-quality puzzles, they will relax and recreate iconic images that have become embedded in their fan memory.

Gaming Puzzle: The Witcher Nilfgaard Puzzles 500

The Nilfgaard Empire is the greatest power on the continent, but for Emperor Emhyr it is not enough. Is he preparing to invade the northern kingdoms? Try to discover all the pieces of the puzzle that make up the great plan of the impenetrable ruler.

Features of the puzzle:

• Unique, dedicated graphics from the game creators

• High-quality workmanship based on the latest printing technologies

• Perfect fit of elements

• Impressive, saturated colors

• Resistant to bending

• Puzzles refined with a canvas effect, reduce light reflection

• Renowned puzzle manufacturer from the EU

• Size after assembly: 34x48 cm

• Number of elements: 500

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Game Franchise
Good Loot - Gaming Puzzle: The Witcher Nilfgaard (500 pieces)
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