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PowerA Dual Charging Station

The PowerA Xbox Dual Controller Charging Station allows you to charge your Xbox controllers directly from the wall outlet, providing a convenient and fast charging solution. This charging dock is not only practical but also a stylish base for your contro…
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The PowerA Xbox Dual Controller Charging Station allows you to charge your Xbox controllers directly from the wall outlet, providing a convenient and fast charging solution. This charging dock is not only practical but also a stylish base for your controllers, allowing you to store and charge them in one place. After gaming, you can simply place the controllers on the dock, and they will charge themselves for the next gaming session. An integrated progress bar with LED lights clearly indicates the charging process status, so you'll know exactly when the controllers are fully charged. This charging station is an ideal solution for Xbox gamers who want to keep their gaming devices organized and always ready to play.

Tuotteen tiedot

PowerA Dual Charging Station
Tuote ID
Xbox Series X

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