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Rubens Barn - orgaaninen EcoBuds-nukke, Poppy


Rubens Barn

  • ce-marking
. EcoBuds doll, Poppy, is a wild child at heart and loves to move with the wind, creating a home wherever she is welcome to stay. This doll is a handmade doll made from organic cotton. She loves to join you in exploring the beauty of nature. Poppy also f…
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EcoBuds doll, Poppy, is a wild child at heart and loves to move with the wind, creating a home wherever she is welcome to stay. This doll is a handmade doll made from organic cotton. She loves to join you in exploring the beauty of nature. Poppy also feels at home in fun and playful spaces. This soft doll is 35 cm long, has dark skin and black hair. Rubens Barn are high-quality and handmade soft dolls designed in Sweden, all with unique characters. Rubens Barn are high-quality, handmade, soft dolls designed in Sweden, all with unique characters.

Rubens EcoBuds dolls are made from 100% organic cotton certified by the Organic Content Standard (OCS) and have 100% Global Recycled Stanard (GRS) polyester fibre filling.

PSST! Let's make fun doll clothes together! Get inspired through our D.I.T. Nature Edition!

Rubens Barn are high-quality and handmade soft dolls designed in Sweden with the purpose of helping children become confident and compassionate individuals.

Rubens Barn tuotteet ovat yksilöllisiä Ruotsalaisia käsintehtyjä pehmeitä nukkeja.

Rubens Barnin yksilöllisyys korostuu sen tervetulleeksi toivottamassa tunteessa, kun pidät ihanaa nukkea sylissäsi. Käsintehty onnellisuus pukee Rubens Barnia. "Barn" tarkoittaa lasta ruotsiksi, joka auttaa ymmärtämään paremmin miksi nukkemme on nimetty Rubens Barniksi.

Kaikki Rubens Barn tuotteet on testattu vaativien turvallisuustandardien mukaan jokaisen niitä myyvän maan ehtojen mukaan, Euroopassa EN 71 ja Yhdysvalloissa ASTM standardien mukaan. CE merkitty.

Tuotteen tiedot

Rubens Barn - orgaaninen EcoBuds-nukke, Poppy
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