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Rubens Barn - Rubens Cutie - Charlie 32cm (18073)


Rubens Barn

  • ce-marking
. Charlie is a curious boy who always has questions about everything and loves to learn new things! This soft, handmade doll loves to learn about different personalities and interests with you. What better way to do this than through play? This soft doll…
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Charlie is a curious boy who always has questions about everything and loves to learn new things! This soft, handmade doll loves to learn about different personalities and interests with you. What better way to do this than through play? This soft doll is 32 cm long, has a soft body, brown skin and dark brown hair. Rubens Baby dolls are made from 100% Polyester fleece and have 100% Global Recycled Standard (GRS) Polyester fibrefill.

You can find lots of inspiring videos, patterns and community ideas to make fun outfits for your Cutie doll through the Rubens Barn Do-It-Together (D.I.T.) campaign, #rubensbarndit. D.I.T. is a campaign that encourages kids and parents to engage in creative activities together by designing fun clothes for Rubens Barn dolls. You can also mix and match Rubens Cutie Activity doll accessories and clothes designed for the Rubens Cutie collection.

Rubens Barn has a unique range of handmade dolls with distinct personalities to develop your child's empathy, creativity and emotional intelligence.

Rubens Barn tuotteet ovat yksilöllisiä Ruotsalaisia käsintehtyjä pehmeitä nukkeja.

Rubens Barnin yksilöllisyys korostuu sen tervetulleeksi toivottamassa tunteessa, kun pidät ihanaa nukkea sylissäsi. Käsintehty onnellisuus pukee Rubens Barnia. "Barn" tarkoittaa lasta ruotsiksi, joka auttaa ymmärtämään paremmin miksi nukkemme on nimetty Rubens Barniksi.

Kaikki Rubens Barn tuotteet on testattu vaativien turvallisuustandardien mukaan jokaisen niitä myyvän maan ehtojen mukaan, Euroopassa EN 71 ja Yhdysvalloissa ASTM standardien mukaan. CE merkitty.

Tuotteen tiedot

Rubens Barn - Rubens Cutie - Charlie 32cm (18073)
Tuote ID

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